Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Brain Twister: When What You Think You Want Isn't What You REALLY You Want.

When What You Think You Want Isn't What You Really You Want.

Whether you have writ­ten it down and locked it up in your diary under your pil­low or just rolling around in your head, you prob­a­bly have a list of what you are look­ing for in a partner. But what hap­pens if what you think you want isn’t actu­ally what you want? Here are some ​​scenarios and how their seem­ingly great char­ac­ter­is­tic can even­tu­ally leave you with a bad taste in your mouth.

  • The ultimate "Knee Slapper"
I would ven­ture to guess that more than 90% of women and men are look­ing for someone that’s funny. How­ever, be care­ful that you dis­tin­guish between that person who’s funny and a joke­ster. A joke­ster is the clown who throws out one-​​liners all night, tells knock-​​knock jokes, and thinks they're the fun­ni­est on the planet. This may be enter­tain­ing and attrac­tive for one night, maybe two, but I guar­an­tee you will get tired of it pretty soon. Also, if a guy can’t be seri­ous it makes you won­der if he’s hid­ing some mas­sive issues behind their joke-​​heavy behavior.

  • Family Oriented
We all have this one written down on our "Do's & Don't" We want someone who is close with their fam­ily because that means fam­ily is one of their core val­ues. Since most of us want to start fam­i­lies of our own, this is extremely attrac­tive. How­ever, be wary of just how CLOSE they acutally are with their fam­ily. Do they weigh in on every deci­sion made? Do they like you and do you like them? If there is fric­tion between you and the fam­ily, it could spell dis­as­ter. Don’t get me wrong, finding someone who val­ues fam­ily is a diamond-​​in-​​the-​​rough, just keep your eyes wide open as to just how "close" they are with their family.

  • The Bug-a-boo
If you’ve had a rela­tion­ship go south because your special someone didn’t give you enough atten­tion, you prob­a­bly put “atten­tive” at the top of your new check­list. We love to feel wanted and spe­cial. How­ever, feel­ing spoiled with atten­tion and affec­tion can quickly turn into feel­ing smoth­ered. No one wants a clingy man or woman to feel like you are their entire life. We all need to have our own and and let them be a part of it!

  • Money Hungry. Dollar Bills.
We all want to find our true love….it’s an added bonus if they have a couple extra dollars in their pockets too!  Someone who is very suc­cess­ful can be a great provider for you – a finan­cial provider, that is. Most peo­ple who have found their way to the top of the suc­cess lad­der had to sac­ri­fice many things along the way. Invest­ing time with friends and fam­ily, and cul­ti­vat­ing hob­bies often fall way behind their pur­suit of career advance­ment. They are okay with work­ing 80 to 90 hours a week, obsess­ing over work, and throw­ing other peo­ple under the bus to get ahead. Is that really the kind of special someone you want to spend your life with, rich or not?

TheFIGURE speaks: The basic rule of thumb when eval­u­at­ing how any man stacks up against your list is to keep your eyes wide open. Almost any char­ac­ter­is­tic can be turned into a neg­a­tive if it is taken to the extreme. Ladies and gents
make a choice to see them for who they truly are! Your deci­sion might save you a lot of heartache down the road.

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