Thursday, July 7, 2011

"Super Rich" by God Father of hip-hop Russell Simmons

Russel Simmons latest book: "SUPER RICH: A Guide To Having It All" 

"SUPER RICH: A Guide To Having It All" is the latest bestselling book by Russell Simmons. According to Simmons in this book, there are two paths to enlightenment which are necessary if one is to find true fulfillment in life. First, one must strive to be conscious and remain conscious of what is happening to all people and things in the world. Second, that are universal rewards with multiple gifts and opportunities for those who learn the value of self-acceptance, self-improvement through meditation, and the happiness that comes from giving.
But I know from personal observation that Simmons knows what struggle is all about. He knows the importance of fighting for freedom, justice, equality and empowerment. Consciousness about the suffering in the world is important to the point that you should care enough to give to the struggle to end poverty and neediness. Being prosperous is not just about “having,” it is about “giving.” That’s Simmons mantra.  That’s his success model.
In Russell’s own words, “Happy can make you money, but money can’t make you happy.” This is the key to the real wealth of Russell Simmons. We need more happy soldiers in the cause of making the world a better place. 
But before we can change the world, we have to change ourselves by increasing our awareness, consciousness, commitment and actions to open more doors so that all people can find true prosperity, happiness, equality and empowerment.

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